Un appuntamento non convenzionale tra poesia, musica, tradizioni popolari e proprietà intellettuale con una attenzione ai temi della traduzione letteraria, organizzato dalla FUIS a Londra.
Parteciperanno gli Autori Maureen Duffy, Massimiliano Di Carlo e Anna Maria Robustelli. Condurrà Katie Webb. Saluto inaugurale del Co-Presidente FUIS Natale Rossi.
Un incontro nel segno del colloquio fra le arti e fra autori, della contaminazione che è insita nel dialogo interculturale e dell’importanza di difendere i principi della multiculturalità.

Qui di seguito il comunicato stampa in lingua inglese:

FUIS will host an evening with friends in London, sharing the cultures of Le Marche and London through music, poetry, translation, discussion and hospitality on Tuesday 26th March 2019.
The event will feature author Maureen Duffy, musician and researcher Massimiliano Di Carlo and translator and poet Anna Maria Robustelli.

Maureen Duffy, a Londoner, represents the history of London and what makes it unique – as well as what is under threat – through her poetry, which has been translated into Italian especially for this occasion by translator and poet Anna Maria Robustelli. They will read together and discuss the significance of this translation process as well as the importance of international conversations which celebrate other cultures as well as recognise, protect and value their own.

Massimiliano Di Carlo is a musician and researcher from Piane Di Morro, near Ascoli Piceno in Central Italy. Through his cultural association, Alberi Di Maggio, he conducts research, organises concerts and events, works in his community and with many others around the world, in order to sustain and continue the oral and folk traditions in this region of Italy, on the border of Le Marche and Abruzzo, where he comes from, and which have existed and been transmitted over centuries. He also works, learns from and forms friendships with others worldwide through this engagement with his culture and others’. He will perform music and talk about the importance of this work, sustaining the cultural heritage which is integral to the lives, livelihoods and identity of this region and equivalent ones all over the world.

Alongside and through their work as artists, Maureen, Anna Maria and Massimiliano give voice to those whose work is vital to continuing the culture and preserving the heritage of the places they come from and visit, by taking part in it. By celebrating this cultural diversity through this evening, we ask everyone to join this work to support local creators and cultures, by actively participating in culture to ensure it is supported economically, socially and culturally – whether that is as an audience member or customer, advocate or artist.

This is the first event FUIS has hosted in London, and it is proud to be collaborating with these creators and their special projects, which value and ensure the continuation of cultural diversity, giving it the necessary economic, social and cultural frameworks to continue to exist.

It will take place at Rossodisera Restaurant in Covent Garden. Rossodisera specialises in food from Le Marche region, from where it sources all its ingredients and by which its cuisine is inspired. We are delighted to be coming together here, and would like to thank Rossodisera for its generous provision of the food, drink and the venue, as well as for its efforts to represent Le Marche and to enable others to enjoy the unique food and drink from the region.

Source: http://www.fuis.it/evento-fuis-a-londra-poesia-traduzione-e-musica/articoli4783?fbclid=IwAR1vbPPBaF6toLmozSCqcOoSOUKZmAPM1x8jVZyT24Ct6rHEMeSUCPoXOB8